How to get to print

How to get to Prizyv Center


23, Chaikovskogo street

Malakhovka, Lubercy District, Moscow Province

You can reach Prizyv Guest House BY CAR, find out the route by the address above or using GPS coordinates:

55°38′46″N (55.645979)

38°2′13″E (38.036807)

By Public Transport:

You can take a suburb train from Kazansky Railway Terminal (Komsomolskaya Metro Station) to Malakhovka Station.


Or from Vykhino Station (Vykhino Metro Station):


On arrival to Malakhovka Station you have 2 possibilities:

1. Go ahead on Yuzhnaya Street in direction of train movement towards the junction with Chaikovskogo Street, turn left on it and walk till building 23. Total distance is 2,2 km.

2. Take a minibus number 11 or 30 to "Prizyv" Guest House Stop (You should ask driver to stop beforehand). Look for a red bricks building with gates. Travel time is about 3 minutes.